No one likes the black traditional family

By Chris Stevenson

I started writing this on my big sister Cookie’s birthday, and the thought of traditional families dawned on me because even though she is barely a day over 56, she has been married now for some 36 years. She has two boys (3 if you count her miserable-without-a-cause husband) and grandkids. Both she and I were fortunate enough for a time to know and experience what few siblings see today; the traditional family unit, i.e. both parents married, living together and raising kids together. Back then it was normal and I thought this would always be the case in communities such as ours. I was dead wrong. Little did I realize at such a young age that various outside forces existed for the purpose of making the full black family implode and collapse.

If you want to know how valuable you really are, just count how many enemies you or your goals have and there lies your true worth. At one time nothing amazed whites more, than the endurance of the traditional black family and immediately plans were implemented to break the black family up, even if it costs some white families their wellbeing. What are the factors that made the black out-of-wedlock birthrate go from 16% in 1950 to 66% in 1989? What ongoing circumstances made households headed by black females grow from 17.2% in 1950 to 58% in 1991? You see, it’s not that everybody hates Chris (Rock), in fact everybody loves him, what everybody hates is the fully functional black family that raised him, kept him alive so as to resist gangs, drugs, making babies out of wedlock, and illiteracy so he could be the best he can be and we can enjoy his talents today.

Let’s consider first of all the original black couple. A dark-skinned man and woman, who produced dark-skinned children, yes dark-skinned parents producing a dark-skinned perfect baby. Did I say that dreaded and loaded word perfect? Well in the beginning, tens of thousands of years ago for Africans, that’s how it was. Later, during and after slavery the breakup of African tribes and selling off of family members made black slaves value their families very highly. When slavery ended blacks built schools and business and began developing their own economy. The most successful examples of these were destroyed by white riots in Philadelphia, Tulsa, Rosewood and other locations across the country. These were wars against blacks with a clear-cut enemy; whites.

Today there is still a war, and it’s long since been declared. But they figured the best way to destroy and prevent black united achievements is to attack from the inside. As many blacks were becoming gainfully employed, black communities were relatively nice. But cities like New York and Chicago were the litmus test for how to handle the emerging black population and economic upsurge; the first salvos against the black family were liquor stores and prostitutes. The ‘60’s saw drugs and police brutality increase, in an effort to break the black spirit. Next, gangs and churches.