Army Pvt. Tanya M. Cherny

Army Pvt. Tanya M. Cherny has graduated from the Automated Logistical Specialist Advanced Individual Training (AIT) course at the U.S.

Army Quartermaster Center and School, Fort Lee, Petersburg, Va.

The course is designed to train soldiers to establish and maintain stock records and other documents such as inventory, materiel control, accounting and support reports, automated and manual accounting records; perform stock record/warehouse functions pertaining to receipt, storage, distribution and issue and maintain equipment records and parts; review and verify bills of lading, contracts, and purchase orders; repair and construct shipping crates for equipment and supplies, and perform prescribed loads and shop stock lists in manual and automated supply applications.

She is the daughter of Vivian Cherny of Lucas Ave., Kingston, N.Y.

Cherny is a 2004 graduate of Kingston High School.