Orange County resident questions justice system

Dear Editor:

In August of 2007, I was arrested on Fullerton Avenue near Gidney Avenue in the city of Newburgh by three town of Newburgh Police plus a canine unit. I was charged with unlawful possession of three ice cream bars! Supposedly removed from Price Chopper Supermarket earlier that day. This case is set for trial on September 19, 2007 at 5:00 in front of Judge Martini. The D.A. has made me an offer of eight months, not probation or restitution but eight months! … Now, the travesty of Justice that I’ve seen is no less than 50 DWI came before this same judge and received minimal fines and sent on their way to possibly become a real threat to society (maybe even crash into the D.A.) in the very near future!

In the City of Newburgh, Blacks are getting shot, killed, tasered while handcuffed and bitten by police dogs at the hands of the cops, while in the Town of Newburgh they are trying to lock us up for 8 months for 3 ice cream bars!

I’m a native New Yorker and have been in the City of Newburgh for fifteen years, working and paying taxes. Why am I subjected to such prejudicial treatment? Is the KKK taking over? As a tax-paying citizen I feel I deserve much better. Let’s all stand up for justice!

P.S. Side question: Why was a BB gun toting robber of a Mini Mart released on ROR and the driver never charged in the Town of New Windsor?

Bewildered in Orange County

J.P. Garrick