Prosecute Acquitted Officers in Sean Bell Shooting Case

National Urban League President Marc H. Morial joins Al Sharpton and the collective voices of the Black community in expressing total outrage today over the Sean Bell verdict.

\”This nation is in state of crisis and we are witnessing an unfortunate repeat of history where the civil rights of Black people have been violated,\” said Morial. \”It is reprehensible that the violent murder of a young, Black, unarmed man should end in an acquittal. We implore all national and local leaders to bring this case to the attention of the U.S. Department of Justice. We urge U.S. Attorney Benton Campbell to prosecute these officers for violation of federal civil rights law,\” Morial explained. \”Our community also needs to pressure the New York City Police Department to conduct a completely thorough investigation of their policies and practices.\”

Three officers were acquitted of all charges in the death of Sean Bell, who was shot at 50 times the day he was to be married. The murder of the unarmed groom-to-be represents another case of the justice system\’s failure to prosecute police brutality. Justice Arthur Cooperman was said to have delivered his verdict based on the credibility of the officers\’ versions of the events.

The impact of this case could lead one to believe that police are above the law and that fairness is not on the side of the Black community. However, the opportunity for true justice in a federal trial is possible, but requires a tremendous effort on our part to reach out to the U.S. Department of Justice and demand action. Together we can improve the current and future lives of young Black men and women throughout America.