Dear Editor: Last Saturday morning I received a phone call from an Obama supporter informing me that his Obama lawn sign was stolen from his front lawn. His sister and her neighbors also found their lawn signs missing. As I was speaking to this supporter, my husband informed me that our Obama sign was missing from our front lawn. This happened in the Town of Blooming Grove. As I was driving through Route 208, all the signs for the Republican and Democratic candidates were still there except for Obama/Biden.
My message to the people that are stealing or destroying the Obama lawn signs:
Do not think for one moment that your action is diminishing our support and enthusiasm for the Obama/Biden ticket. On the contrary, this is giving us more energy and the push to work harder to elect Senators Obama and Biden as the next President and Vice President of the
Yes We Can!! Si Se Puede!!
Sonia Ayala
Obama Delegate
Town of Blooming Grove
P.S. We are going to continue to put the signs on our front yards and throughout