Lillie’s Point of View: “It’s time for a Volte-Face”

By Lillie Howard

We, in this country, are on the verge of an election that could possibly bring about significant change, if we choose to elect Barack Obama as our next president. We not only need a new face but also a new way of doing things. That is why I say we need a \”Volte-Face!\”

Some might ask \”what does Volte-Face mean?\” Volte- Face is a French word taken from the Italian word Voltefaccia: volta from voltare, to turn; plus faccia,(face) which means a reversal, as in policy; an about face.

We can no longer afford to continue down the road that we’ve been going for the past eight years because we’re on the brink of drowning. It’s time for a \”Volte-Face!\”

We can no longer stand idly by and watch our country evolve into a naked country, exposing us to definite harm making us vulnerable to our enemies. It’s time for a \”Volte-Face!\”

We can no longer allow billions of dollars to leave our shores on a monthly basis to take care of other people’s problems when we need our own problems taken care of. It’s time for a \”Volte-Face!\”

We can no longer allow fear to rule our decisions. Fear of the unknown (Obama) will allow us to continue down the road of self-destruction. Can we afford that? The price will be too costly. It’s time for a Volte-Face!\”

Some are being faced with the hard decision of looking themselves in the mirror and asking themselves a very hard question,\”Is my decision in this upcoming election going to be made based upon the color of the candidate’s skin or the condition that my country is in?\” It’s time for a \”Volte-Face!\”

Personally, I believe that Barack Obama is the one that will bring \”Volte-Face\” about. Remember that change must start from the top and then trinkle down. I say give him a chance to show us what he can do. It’s time to make a change and we must be the people that will do it by voting for Barack Obama. If not, we’ll only have ourselves to blame for our country’s demise.

\”It’s Time For A Volte-Face!\”