Inauguration of President Barack Obama

Washington, DCCongressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) today released the following statement after the swearing-in of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America.


\”Today\’s inauguration was an extraordinarily uplifting ceremony that united all Americans and reconfirmed our nation\’s commitment to liberty and justice for all.  Sitting in the grandstand overlooking the National Mall, I was impressed and inspired by the number of people from across the country who came out in frigid temperatures to witness this historical moment.  The turnout was a true testament to the ability of President Obama to bring people together and unite them around the common goal of bettering our country.


\”President Obama has been entrusted with an awesome responsibility at a time when America is faced with great challenges at home and abroad.  While the solutions to these challenges are complex and will take time to carry out, I have tremendous confidence in President Obama\’s vision and ability.  I look forward to working with him to bring about the change we need. 


\”For far too long, many Americans have felt disconnected from their government.  Looking out at the vast crowd today it was clear to me that people are reengaged, filled with hope, and longing for dramatic change.  Today, we begin to carry out that change; we choose diplomacy and peace over threats and war; renewable energy over oil and other fossil fuels; health care for all over health care for just those who can afford it; an economic policy that lifts up the lower and middle class over corporate loopholes and tax cuts for those who need them the least; and a judicial system that respects the rule of law over a judicial system that seeks to bend and twist the rule of law.


\”Today is the day when we begin to reclaim our country.  It is a time for all Americans to celebrate the beginning of a new presidency and the hope of a better day that comes with it.  I wish President Obama the very best and am excited about all of the good I expect we in the Congress will be able to achieve with him.\”