Army Capt. Lisa M. Jenkins has returned from deployment in Mosul, Iraq after providing medical care to servicemembers in Multi National Division-North for the past 15 months.
During that time, soldiers from the 86th Combat Support Hospital treated almost 3,000 patients and evacuated almost 300 of them to a higher level of care. They also managed an inpatient care workload that numbered more than 750, including patients from all branches of the armed forces, Department of Defense and Army civilians, American and foreign contractors, local civilians, Iraqi Army and police, and security internees.
The 86th Combat Support Hospital is assigned to the 44th Medical Command and supports the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Ky.
Jenkins is a staff nurse with 13 years of military service.
She is the daughter of Joseph B. Jordan of Orlando Ave., Ardsley, N.Y., and Nancy MacDowell of Robinson St., Saugerties, N.Y.
The captain graduated in 1984 from Saugerties High School, and received a bachelor’s degree in the year 2000 from Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Ga.