Army Staff Sgt. John P. Folger has been inducted into the Sgt. Audie L. Murphy Club, a club formed in 1986 in honor of the Army’s World War II most decorated combat soldier, Audie Leon Murphy.
The elite organization is composed of noncommissioned officers who have demonstrated their inherent leadership qualities and abilities, military knowledge and skills, and courage in performance of assigned duties and responsibilities as characterized by Sergeant Murphy.
Inductees must be sponsored by their first sergeant and recommended by their unit commander. The candidates are reviewed and evaluated by a high ranking selection board who question, test, and score soldiers on their level of knowledge in a range of subjects that warrant induction. Of the few inductees who are recommended, a very low percentage are selected as qualified members. Inductees receive the Audie L. Murphy medallion in their recognition of their accomplishment.
Folger, a section chief, is assigned to the 1st Battalion, 15th Field Artillery at Camp Hovey, Tongduchon-Up, South Korea. He has served in the military for more than six years.
He is the son of Douglas G. Folger of Champlain Drive, Carmel, N.Y.
The staff sergeant graduated in 1995 from Carmel High School.