Future Seems A Little Bleak

Dear Editor:
Looking toward the future seems a little bleak if you are looking at it from the eyes of a Town of Newburgh Highway, Water, Sewer, or Filter plant employees perspective.
 At the last Town Board Meeting (Sept 21, 2009) Town of Newburgh workers have shone, once again,  there is a serious problem with the administration in certain departments which has turned into a \’disciplinarian society\’..
The \’Work or Else\’ attitude has reared its ugly head once more …  It has become evident, the Town Board has its head in the sand and refuses to address the issues brought before them by their workers who have been threatened, harassed and were told they will be bodily harmed if they do not do as they are told…!.
Mostly, the Highway department has shown \’inconsiderate attitudes\’ by their administrators it could of lead to a fatality of one of their workers. If his colleagues didn\’t check on him, we all would be wearing black and saying prayers.
A \’game\’ of sorts being played by the Deputy Highway Superintendent of Highways has ran its course and needs to be halted before we are all saying \”we should of\”
Endorsement of Steven Krasner for Supervisor is the only the choice in November to end this madness.. Steven has met the Town Board head on and refuses to allow this abusal to continue ..Steven Krasner\’s sincerity, intelligence, reasoning and heart proves he is ready to serve this town and bring the standards of this town up to where it should be and be noticed..  ..
If the Highway, Water, Sewer and Filter Plant employees feel this is the time for Steven Krasner to help their cause..who are we to answer for them..I will not be able to sleep at night knowing there is a Town Employees life in danger every day. If we do not act on their behalf and do what needs to be done we all could be saying prayers and wearing black..
Steven Krasner is the answer!!
Vote For Steven Krasner in November…
Gary Kulisek