Booth: Stop Avoiding the Issues

Dear Editor:

I would like take This opportunity to applaud Stephen Krasner on his approach to the Town of Newburgh race for town supervisor in which he is a candidate.
                  Mr. Krasner has been attending the town board meetings for some time now listening to the concerns of both the residents and employees of the town. When Mr. krasner takes on an issue he stands up during the public comments section of the meeting, looks his opponent in the eye, makes his case before the people to which his opponent has a chance to respond. It is unfortunate that his opponent does not give him the same courtesy. Instead his opponent chooses to make baseless claims on his website for which he offers no proof at the same time not affording Mr. krasner the oppurtunity to respond. Mr. Krasner has repeatedly asked Mr. booth to debate the issues concerning the town and he refuses to discuss it. The first issue listed on Mr. Booths website is open government. The sheer definition of open government is conducting the peoples business out in the open before the people. Then why is it that he won\’t debate the issues? is electing the next leader of the town in these hard times NOT the peoples business?  Mr. Booth, stop robbing the residents of their right to an informed and educated decision in november. Stop avoiding the issues and square off against your opponent. May the best man win.
                                                                                         James Gucciardo,
                                                                           Town of Newburgh Highway Employee.