Albany – New York Governor David Paterson released the following statement regarding President Obma winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
“On behalf of the State of New York, I would like to congratulate President Obama on being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
“From the streets of Chicago to the halls of the United Nations, President Obama has spent a lifetime advocating for peace and justice. He has dedicated his career to bridging differences others believed could not be overcome and to highlighting the values we all hold in common.
“Even before he reached the White House, President Obama traveled the world as an ambassador of peace. Since taking office, his outreach to citizens and governments has fostered a new spirit of international cooperation. Goals that once seemed out of reach are now within our grasp because we are engaged in real dialogue about serious issues.
“Today all Americans can be proud of their President, and I salute the Nobel Committee for honoring his vision of a more peaceful planet and future.”