Dear Editor;
As a City of Newburgh resident and homeowner I would like to offer my thoughts about the 4th District County Legislator election on November 3rd. I believe that Aquanetta Ferry Godmother Wright is the right choice for the right change. For many years she has been involved in the community. On a regular basis she can always be seen talking, listening and assisting members of the community. She is known as a \”connector\”, someone who is known as the go-to person who brings people who need something to the person who has that something. Because Aquanetta is involved in so many walks of life and personally has a relationship with so many in and around the City of Newburgh, many call upon her for assistance and guidance. She has kept up with all the happenings at City Hall by attending work sessions, press conferences and City Councils meetings, and is always willing to share it. She has brought the views of the community to the meetings and also brought back information to community. As someone who is well received by many in the community, she could represent many with honesty and integrity. Aquanetta is the voice of many people of Newburgh, and her communication skills are what we need on a County Level. It is time that the community had a known and respected voice in Goshen as a County Legislator. That is why on Election Day I will be voting for the Aquanetta Wright, the only candidate who can make for a transparent and accountable Goshen.
Yours truly,
Ramona Torres