Dear Editor,
The time has come for Newburgh to take a stand. We need to not only take a stand but come together and vote for DAMON FINCH, Newburgh New Vision. The NEW VISION is Damon Finch as county legislator. Damon Finch has created and established many openings for people to engage and empower themselves. Finch continues to uplift and promote job readiness and advancing in education. Newburgh has seen some of what the next County Legislator can do and will see strengthening of this city as a whole. Mr. Finch volunteers his time and professionalism to our youth and adults. He has established and placed many in employment to better their circumstances and feed their children. THERES ONLY ONE THING WE CAN DO “VOTE FINCH” AND MAKE A CHANGE TO IMPROVE OUR CITY!!!
Concerned resident, Ms. Williams