Staff Sgt. Keith W. Fiedler

Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Keith W. Fiedler has been mobilized and activated at Fort Dix, N.J., in preparation for deployment to serve in support of either Operations Iraqi Freedom or Enduring Freedom. The soldier is a member of the 442nd Military Police Company, Jamaica, N.Y.

The soldiers are normally activated from Army Reserve or Army National Guard units from throughout the U.S. They go through a series of in-processing procedures and training classes that prepare them for skills and situations they may face in their deployed environment.

Fiedler is a wheeled vehicle mechanic with 17 years of military service.

He is the son of Paul W. Fiedler of Uhlig Road, and Mary A. Fiedler of Myrtle Ave., both of Middletown, N.Y.

His wife, Cynthia, is the daughter of Tony and Lucy Pacheco of Elizabeth Road, Middletown.

The staff sergeant is a 1993 graduate of Pine Bush High School, N.Y.