Endorsing Duane Jackson

Dear Editor:

 I am endorsing
Duane Jackson for the United States Congressional seat in the 18th
District and encourage other Democrats to support his candidacy as well.


Mr. Jackson’s
experience as a city planner and small businessman is extensive and reflects
the kind of energy and spirit that is required in the continuation of the
building of our communities. 


Duane also brings sound
understanding of the moral and ethical issues and barriers to working with the
underserved population; the burdens placed on taxpayers in this struggling
economy, public safety, affordable health care, social security, career
training, job development and housing all of which are essentials in revitalizing


Election Day is
less than a week away and I would like the Hudson Valley democrats to vote for   Duane
Jackson on Primary Day, Tuesday, June 26, 2012.


Gay Lee