This past week was mind-blowing. Sitting there and watching the Democrat’s convention was definitely food for my spirit. First Lady Michelle Obama’s speech was earth-shattering, for it presented her husband, President Obama, to the public in such a way that there could be no doubt in one’s mind that he is definitely deserving of four more years in our White House. Yes, it’s ours, for it was built by the hands of my forefathers and their sweat and blood is in the very soil on which that building stands. In 2008 the time had definitely come for their seed to become the occupants of what their hands had built. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!
Sometimes the truth hurts until the realization of it penetrates one’s mind, but once revealed it should enable one to move forward. We all evolved from a Black woman’s womb and therefore are all connected whether we like it or not.
Mrs. Obama’s description of her husband’s love and passion for his country makes one realize that President Obama is a man after our own hearts. It was so wonderful to see people of various cultures standing together and cheering her on. After listening to her speak, there’s no way one could ever doubt this President’s sincere passion and commitment to his country.
And then along comes President Bill Clinton. Wow! He put the icing on the cake that our First Lady had already baked and then presented the slices of that cake in such a way that it left one begging for more. President Clinton broke it down in such a way that there shouldn’t be a doubt in anyone’s mind about whether or not President Obama is deserving of four more years. His assessment of President Obama’s past four years made it crystal clear that whatever wasn’t accomplished by him mostly should be laid down at the feet of the Republicans. We cannot and should not allow them to have total control of our government, for if we do we’ll only have ourselves to blame for the chaos that will be brought upon our country.
Vice-President Biden and his lovely wife displayed the passion that is so badly needed in our country towards one another. As she presented her husband, one could feel the genuine love coming forth out of her heart. When Vice-President Biden spoke about President Obama, he displayed the type of love that we should all have for one another.
Webster’s Dictionary defines the state of being afflicted as “a state of acute pain or distress of body or mind; the cause of continued pain of body or mind.” Affliction is stronger than grief, and grief than sorrow. My people are still burdened down with the pain of being looked upon by some as nothing but criminals, and other negative stereotypes.
I’m in the process of reading “Growing Up Black”, edited by Jay David. Beginning with a slave owned by Thomas Jefferson, to Malcolm X and Dick Gregory, nineteen Negroes tell of their childhood in America. What gives this anthology particular significance is the fact that the narrators are Negro adults recalling a Negro childhood. “Growing Up Black” takes the reader into this dark world, intending to offer a glimpse of what it’s like to be a Negro child in America.
I’m sharing this in my column about our president to stir up the significance and importance of things being made better for our children so that they, too, will have the opportunities necessary to become productive, contributing citizens like our president. Most of our children are walking around with heavy burdens upon their shoulders, not knowing how to express themselves. Writer Paul Laurence Dunbar expresses it very eloquently in “We Wear The Mask”: “We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes, This debt we pay to human guile; With torn and bleeding hearts we smile, And mouth with myriad subtleties, Why should the world be over-wise, In counting all our tears and sighs? Nay, let them only see us while We wear the mask. We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries To thee from tortured souls arise. We sing, but oh the clay is vile Beneath our feet, and long the mile; But let the world dream otherwise, we wear the mask!”
Hopefully, our country will begin to address the contributing factors that cause so many to have to wear masks, hiding the pain. In November we will have the opportunity of returning President Obama to the White House, and when that is accomplished we can sit down at the table of brotherhood and talk seriously about racism. If not, this country will be facing self-destruction and we’ll have ourselves to blame. This is Lillie’s Point of View!