Build bridges across political party lines

Dear Editor:

Following our federal elections in November, public statements were made by leaders of both political parties supporting the consideration of comprehensive immigration reform in the 113th Congress. We agree with statements made by the U.S. Catholic Bishops and other people of faith that now is the time for our elected officials to work towards the creation of a system that preserves family unity as a cornerstone of our national immigration system, provides legal paths for low-skilled immigrant workers to come and work in the United States, restores due process protections to our immigration enforcement policies, addresses the root causes of migration, such as persecution and economic disparity, and provides a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented persons who are already living in our communities, have never been found guilty of serious crime, and are contributing to our nation. Now is the time to build bridges across party lines to create an immigration system that is just, humane, and serves the common good.

Immigration Committee of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary