Army National Guard Warrant Officer 1 Adam D. Garrsion has graduated from the Warrant Officer Candidate School at Fort Rucker, Ala.
The course is designed to certify warrant officers as technically and tactically competent to serve as warrant officers in designated career specialties. The officer must successfully complete the course prior to being appointed to the rank of warrant officer one. The primary focus of the school is military occupational specialty specific, augmented with common-core subjects as designated by a Task Site Selection Board and monitored by the Warrant Officer Career Center.
The course also prepares newly appointed officers for their first duty assignments and all subsequent assignments as warrant officers and chief warrant officers in the active Army, National Guard or Reserve.
He is the son of Susan Charlton of Skyline Drive, Highland Mills. His wife, Caitlin, is the daughter of James and Lorraine Heuberger of Twin Brooks Drive, Chester.
Garrison is a 2005 graduate of Monroe-Woodbury High School, Central Valley and received a bachelor’s degree in 2009 from State University of New York, Oneonta.