Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

Dear Editor:

October was \”Adopt a Shelter Dog Month,\” and I’d like to share the story of my rescued dog, Pepper.

Pepper had never known stability. She was found on a highway, and when her former owners were contacted, they didn’t want her back. She was transferred from a pound to a rescue to a foster home before I adopted her. When she finally came home with me, she was understandably frightened and confused, and she did the only thing she knew: she ran-straight into thousands of acres of forest.

I contacted PETA for help, and received a list of suggestions. Their last tip was the most important: Never give up! With help from the group that rescued Pepper, I scoured the forest, tacked up hundreds of posters, and set three humane cage traps. Through thunderstorms and even a small tornado, we kept the traps stocked with food and checked them morning and night. They caught a couple curious raccoons whom we quickly freed, but no Pepper. For three weeks, we kept on searching, despite many tears and our fears that Pepper had starved or been killed.

One day, during yet another thunderstorm, I checked on a trap and heard growling inside. Another raccoon I thought. But it was Pepper-filthy and frightened, but alive! I rushed her home, where she is recovering from her ordeal and her sweet, playful personality is beginning to emerge.

Every dog deserves someone who will never give up on her. I encourage those who are ready to care for a dog to save a life by adopting, and to never lose hope if their animal companions go missing.


Katherine Peaslee