Dear Editor:
Many women don’t know cervical cancer can be prevented. Many
women don’t know the cost for cervical cancer screening is covered through
their health insurance, including plans available through the New York State of
Health. Lastly, many women don’t know that even if they do not have insurance, they
may be able to get this life-saving screening for free through the New York
State Department of Health Cancer Services Program Orange County (CSPOC).
The YWCA Orange County provides health and wellness programs
to promote and protect women’s health.
Quality, affordable health care is critical to everyone, especially
women. The YWCA Orange County believes
that every woman deserves access to services that will keep them healthy.
This January, during Cervical Health Awareness Month, the YWCA
Cancer Services Program Orange County want to spread the word that getting
screened for cervical cancer with a Pap test is the key to prevention and
survival. However, according to New York State data, uninsured women are much
less likely to get screened.
The YWCA’s CSP offers free cervical cancer screening to
eligible uninsured women, ages 40 and older. The program also provides free
breast and colorectal cancer screening to eligible New York State residents.
Call the YWCA Cancer Services Program Orange County today to
find out if you qualify for free cancer screenings. 845-561-8050, ext. 15.
J.K. Gentile-Trepicone
YWCA Cancer Services Program Orange County