SUFFERN – Jubilant Rockland Community College nursing graduates recited the Nightingale Pledge and received their pins as proud families and friends applauded their achievements at the traditional “Nurses’ Pinning Ceremony,” and reception, May 17, at RCC’s Cultural Arts Theater. More than 3,000 nurses are alumni of RCC’s nursing program.
President Cliff L. Wood, EdD, welcomed the assembly, and Dorothea Lever, PhD, RN, CDE, Chair of Nursing, presided, presenting each of the nurses with their pins. Student Speaker, Roberto Fratarcangeli, and Valedictorian Allison S. Lord, each spoke of inspiration and dedication. Nursing graduate Samantha M. Doran, a veteran (USAF, Senior Airman, E4) who served through deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, was happily surprised when presented with the double honor cord for her service, presented by Jonathan Barnwell, Coordinator of Veterans Affairs at RCC.