Chaos Continues to Occur at a Faster and Faster Rate

When President Obama hosted a press conference introducing his pick for Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, I noticed something strange.  Susan Rice could not stop smirking.  Her body language was like “this is a joke!  Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State?”  The next four years created a horror story that present Secretary of State John Kerry cannot figure out how to end it.

We were surprised when Russia invaded and took Crimea away from Ukraine.  It apparently was an act of war and we don’t know how to persuade Russia to return the stolen land.  Russia is now looking at Latvia and Estonia.  We are impotent in our approach to President Vladimir Putin.  The worst thing is he knows it all too well.  Sooner or later he is going to strike again.  Hillary was supposed to do a “reset” with Russia.  It was a total joke.

We were all shocked when there was a coup attempt on Turkey.  Somehow we didn’t see it coming.  Why the shock?  Our president routinely skips the daily intelligence review sessions every morning.  He doesn’t have a clue about what is going on in the world.  Proof of this is when Lt. General Michael Flynn admitted that when he was Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency President Obama never met with him or asked any questions about what was going on.  Turkey has the largest army in Europe and last Friday night it teetered on the edge of a political abyss.  Former Muslim Iman and now accused terrorist Fethullah Gulen is being blamed for the organizing of the coup attempt.  Low and behold guess where he lives?  Right here in Pennsylvania.  What are we doing allowing him to live here?
When you take on the “king” you had better kill him.  The coup attempt was a failure and now the carnage will begin.  They have arrested over 6,000 persons already.  The most wanted person is Mr. Gulen, hiding behind our border, and President Erdogan who is supposed to be our ally and NATO partner is about to order mass executions.   Looks like a new dictatorship is being formed in the Middle East. Possibly, we are about to lose another ally.

There is no peace in the valley when we look at Afghanistan.  ISIS has arrived there.  The Taliban is bouncing back to being a threat to the established government.  Osama Bin Laden’s son has taken over the Al Qaida contingent.  These three groups will probably merge and once and for all we lose this country to the terrorists we vowed to defeat.  We may be pouring “gasoline onto the fire” by continuing to release career terrorists from Guantanamo Bay prison.  Their recidivism rate is at 35%.   This is insane!  One of the missing terrorists is believed to have entered Brazil.  Just in time for the World Olympics.  We should cross our fingers.

North Korea is not getting any milder in its rhetoric.  Sooner or later something is going to happen and we will certainly be totally surprised.  Syria is slowly deteriorating without any influence from us to turn it all around and stop all of the refugees from pouring out into Europe.  How many of these refugees are ISIS agents?  We don’t have a clue.  Iran continues to march its way to nuclear readiness while China is taking over international waters through their manmade islands in the South China Sea.  That is the status on the international fronts.

Let’s take a look at our domestic status.  That too is very, very scary.  Groups like Black Lives Matter which is funded by billionaires wishing for chaos.  They are wild, unpredictable and have chanted death for our policemen (Minneapolis rally) yet our President invites them to the White House on occasions.  Hillary Clinton has held audience with this group.  When have we ever started killing our own police officers?  It has gotten way out of hand and I see no end in sight.  There is just no responsible leadership to guide us out of this mess.

Ms. Clinton has showed all of us that she is above the law.  How many felonies were committed in the email scandal?  All of the principles get to walk right in front of our faces.  Our Attorney General holding, what they thought, was a secret meeting on her private jet with Bill Clinton who could face an indictment over the Clinton Global Initiative/State Department scandal.  This is so disappointing.  They have no shame.  Scandal is Hillary Clinton’s “middle name”.  The naïve American voter doesn’t seem to care.  The idea of someone with a known character flaw running for President of the United States is perhaps the scariest possibility facing our great nation.  The last seven years have taken us to the “edge of a cliff”.  Can someone save us?

Mr. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce ®.