Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes! What?

Wow! I’m 76 years old and I’ve never seen the likes of what I’m seeing unfolding before my very eyes at this present moment.
Nothing but “total madness!” As I sat watching the final Presidential Debate this past Wednesday evening I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and hearing.

Donald Trump is bringing this country to a place whereby its citizens could be facing dangerous and perilous times. His vernacular is filled with so much hate that it’s frightening to even think of what it’s bringing upon our society. We cannot afford to allow ourselves to be caught into this web of hatred that he is spinning for it most definitely will bring about nothing but division amongst the citizens of America. How and why has Donald Trump been able to become such a magnetic and destructive force in this presidential election? “Seriously” think about that!

Evidently the stance that he has taken is one that many seemingly are in agreement with. Why? More than likely because many in this country, behind closed doors, have been embracing the very things that he’s espousing so vehemently. The covers are coming off and the true nature of very many in this country is being finally revealed. Truths crushed to the ground always eventually arises to the forefront and that’s what we’re seeing unfolding before our very eyes. It’s almost as if he’s trying to incite a race war in this country. But why?
Truthfully, I do believe that one of the major reasons why we’re seeing such an embracing of his rhetoric is due to the anger that has been brewing inside of the hearts of very many for the past eight years, due to the occupants in the “White” house. There are very many who were pleased re: President Obama and his family occupying that house, but many other’s were not. Donald Trump is aware of that and that’s why he has waged this type of presidential campaign for he knew what the response to it would be. What a “sad” indictment upon “America!”

Racism is what’s going to bring this country to it’s knees. How sad!

America is seriously heading towards self-destruction and one’s silence towards it means one’s agreement with it or one’s fear to acknowledge it’s existence. Either one is very detrimental to America’s survival. We are seeing the winding down of what’s been brewing in this nation since it’s beginning and that is man’s inhumanity to man. It’s like a keg of dynamite getting ready to explode but it can be dismantled if those that are professing to have love and compassion within their hearts allows that compassion to start flowing into this sea of humanity. We may possess different skin colors but we all have a heart that beats and a voice that cries. We have got to begin to cry loud and spare not, hopefully being able to pierce the hearts of those that are allowing themselves to continuously  be led down the path of hatred and disdain for their fellowman.

We “all” must allow our hearts to be in agreement with “What The World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love” for that’s the only thing that there’s just too little of. It is a long and winding road to get to where we need to be but it’s not impossible to get there if we only have love. I should love you and you should love me for that’s the way that God planned things to be to bring love and peace and harmony throughout our society. Racism and hatred can no longer be allowed because if so, we’ll “ALL” regret the fact that we allowed it to be so.

Hillary Clinton may not be what you want her to be but, we most definitely cannot allow this country to fall into Donald Trump’s hands for if so we will only have ourselves to blame for what will be forthcoming in our country. “Seriously” think about that, for if not you will be participants in bringing America to it’s knees, for a country so divided most definitely will not be able to survive. Give yourself some time to digest this and then allow your hearts to make the right choice. If not, fasten your seat belts for the horrific destruction that will be unfolding before our very eyes.

Lord Have Mercy!!!!!

This is Lillie’s Point of View and I’m just having my say!

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