NEWBURGH – The Horizons on the Hudson chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society delivered its first dona-tion from its Kids Can! Fundraising effort to the food pantry at St. George’s Episcopal Church on Grand Street in the City of Newburgh last month. Students from the Honor Society walked to the pantry with more than 150 items that had been donated by the fifth grade classes in October.
Students at each grade level are encouraged to bring in non-perishable food and personal care items during a particular month. The fourth grade finished its collection at the end of November and the third grade will be responsible for donations during December. The Honor Society students will be bringing those donations to the pantry prior to their winter break. Last year, donations from Horizons on the Hudson helped feed more than 30 families who participate in the pantry.
Students were helped in their delivery efforts by a generous donation of recyclable bags from Price Chopper in Newburgh. These will assist the students in the collection and delivery of goods throughout the school year.