$83.3 Million in State Funds Are Awarded

MIDDLETOWN – Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I-Mt. Hope) is pleased to announce that the Mid-Hudson Regional Economic Development Council has been awarded $83.3 million in state funds, to put toward economic development projects throughout the region. The funds were announced at the Regional Economic Development Council awards ceremony, recently, in Albany. The Regional Economic Development Council process splits the state into ten regions, with each submitting economic development plans for their respective territories.

“The hard work and collaborate effort put forth by the Mid-Hudson Regional Economic Development Council has once again paid dividends with the awarding of this significant economic development funding,” said Senator Bonacic.

The counties that are included in the Mid-Hudson Region are; Orange, Sullivan, Dutchess, Ulster, Rockland, Westchester, and Putnam.

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