Rob Rolison’s Statement on Budget Transfer Veto

POUGHKEEPSIE – Mayor Rob Rolison has issued the following statement in regards to his veto of Resolution R-17-28 which will block the City Council’s fiscally irresponsible budget transfer.

“The City Council has failed to act for over three years to help save and improve the transit system.  To this day, they still do not offer any solutions, just reckless and careless use of taxpayer money.”

I have provided a sound plan to improve the City transit system and ensure its future viability.

The truth is, the system is unsustainable in its current form. Diverting money from the employee health insurance fund, a yearly cost that is unpredictable and volatile, is dangerous and not financially sound.  It has been poor decisions like this that have led to our city’s $13 million deficit, lower bond ratings, and classification as a fiscally stressed city.

I was elected to put this city on the right track and that is what I intend to do.  It is unfortunate that some members of the council continue to give misinformation to this city’s most vulnerable residents for the purpose of their own agenda.

The truth is that our administration’s plan for transit will provide better service, longer service hours and improved routes for riders; not to mention long-term sustainability at a lower cost to our taxpayers.

The Council has failed to act for far too long.  I am fully prepared to do what is necessary in the best interest of ALL the residents of the City of Poughkeepsie.”