Make Sure You’re Vigilant Against Lyme Disease

GOSHEN – Orange County Legislator Mike Anagnostakis, who is chairman of the Legislature’s Health & Mental Health Committee, reminds all residents that with the return of Spring comes the risk of tick bites and Lyme disease.  His committee recently passed a resolution designating May as Lyme Disease Awareness Month for Orange County.

Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that is transmitted by ticks.  The disease can cause fatigue, fever, joint pain, lethargy, loss of appetite, neurological disorders and trouble walking.

According to Legislator Anagnostakis, data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) showed that New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania were the three states with the highest number of confirmed Lyme disease cases in 2015. Anagnostakis said, “It is important to catch it as soon as possible, because Lyme disease is treatable.”

About two percent of ticks carry Lyme disease and an infected tick has to stay attached for about 24 hours before there is any chance of transmitting the organism that causes Lyme disease.  “Do a tick check on everyone in the family, as soon as you come inside, especially if you have been in or near wooded areas,” stated Anagnostakis.

Once removed, residents can bring a tick to the Orange County Health Department, located at 124 Main Street in Goshen, to determine if it can transmit Lyme disease.  The phone number of the Health Department is 291-2332.

Legislator Anagnostakis gave one concluding reminder to all pet owners, saying, “Please remember to inspect your pets for ticks if they have been outside because they can also get the disease!”