More than $200k in Scholarships are Awarded

RAMAPO – Scholarships presented by the Rockland Community College Foundation will help a number of RCC students continue their education. At a recent ceremony, 165 scholarships totaling approximately $210,000 were presented to students continuing at RCC, as well as those transferring to four-year institutions.

The largest award, a two-year, full-tuition Jane Cohen Memorial Scholarship to Pace University, was granted to Roevely Rancell at the May 15 ceremony. Rancell was a Performing Arts major at RCC and a member of the Phi Sigma Omicron honor society.

Another sizeable award is the Joseph H. Smith Jr. Scholarship for a student transferring to Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute. This $10,000 scholarship was awarded to Travis Peterson, an Honors student at RCC on the Liberal Arts: Math and Science track. Peterson was an officer in the Phi Theta Kappa honor society as well as a member of Phi Sigma Omicron.

Several of the winners at the ceremony earned multiple scholarships. This group was led by Daniel Greeley, a military veteran studying in RCC’s highly-regarded Nursing program. Greeley took home five scholarships, worth a total of $5,000.

The RCC Foundation offers more than $350,000 in student scholarships each year, and has awarded more than $4 million since its inception. Awards are based on specific criteria that may include: academic achievement, athletic or artistic talents, member of an underrepresented group, high school attended, and demonstrated financial need.