NAACP Sends Support to Rev. Jesse Jackson

BALTIMORE, MD – The NAACP sends its support and love and to Rev. Jesse Jackson as he faces the unfortunate challenge of Parkinson’s disease.

“Rev Jackson has been a pioneer for African American political progress and a key civil rights icon for over half a century. The NAACP wishes him and his family strength and resoluteness in addressing the issue of Parkinson’s disease,” said Leon W. Russell, NAACP Board Chairman.

According to the study Racial Disparities in Neurologic Health Care Access and Utilization in the United States, “Black participants were nearly 30% less likely to see an outpatient neurologist relative to their white counterparts.”

“In the same ways that he has fought and won against the challenges of racism, segregation and inequality, we know Rev. Jackson will take on this health challenge with the same vigor and tenacity. Our strength goes with him,” said NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson.