GOSHEN – Orange County’s Human Rights Commission has announced that it is partnering with Safe Homes of Orange County, the Cultural Equity Taskforce and the Trauma Institute of Orange County to offer two free informative training workshops in December.
“I applaud the Human Rights Commission for bringing these two important events to Orange County,” Neuhaus said. “I am certain that these trainings will be well attended and bring our residents closer together on the many issues facing our region.”
Added Inaudy Esposito, Executive Director of the County’s Human Rights Commission: “Partnerships with community organizations and agencies are an important part of the work that we do. Our primary mission, to foster mutual respect and understanding among all groups, cannot be reached without the help and collaboration of these groups. I am grateful to County Executive Neuhaus for his support of these two very important and impactful trainings.”
Safe and Together: Promoting Human Rights for Adult and Children Survivors of Domestic Violence, will be held on December 11th and will address the importance of a perpetrator pattern-based approach, and the positive outcomes of improving safe engagement of perpetrators as parents.
On December 14th, the Human Rights Commission, in concert with the Cultural Equity Taskforce, will host the Anti-Defamation League to offer training on addressing issues of racism, anti-Semitism, and all forms of discrimination.
The workshop, A Community of Difference: Anti-Bias and Discrimination Training, will engage participants in working together effectively to address issues of bias and discrimination.
Training information as follows:
Safe and Together: Promoting Human Rights for Adult and Children Survivors of Domestic Violence
Speaker David Mandel
December 11, 2017, 8:30AM-4:00PM
Emergency Services Center, 22 Wells Farm Road, Goshen
A Community of Difference: Anti-Bias and Discrimination Training
December 14, 2017:
AM Session: 8:30AM – 12:00PM -or- PM Session: 1:00PM – 4:30PM
Fire Training Center, 9 Training Center Lane, New Hampton
Both trainings are free but require registration, as space is limited. You may contact Inaudy Esposito, at 615-3680 for registration or more information.