By Jennifer L. Warren
NEWBURGH – The excitement was tangible at the City of Newburgh’s Old Courthouse Tuesday.
It was fueled by youth, change and much more. Among that list history being made. Newly elected Legislator, Kevindaryán Luján was being sworn in as the youngest and first Orange County Legislator in his Fourth District’s history.
A large crowd, filled with family, friends and supporters was on hand to officially welcome in Luján at a specially selected symbolic site that once stood for a healthy and vibrant Newburgh, back when it shared resposibility of county government with Goshen. It’s that status which Luján is intent on seeing Newburgh return to as a pivootal piece of his agenda.
“I chose this site as a reminder of the past to guide our future,” said Luján, about the building erected in 1841. “As the youngest member of the Legislature, I want to be part of restoring the image of Newburgh when they think of Orange County.”
Luján plans on immediately getting to work to attain that end. Leading his agenda is protecting and purifying Newburgh’s Watershed and drinking water, enhancing county infrastructure and bringing equitable and sustainable economic growth to the City via the County.”
“Newburgh is the gateway to Orange County, it is time to start investing in that gateway in order for the rest of the area to thrive as well,” explained Luján.
Not only does Luján have a long list of objectives to address as he embarks on his legislator journey, he also in insistent upon being both transparent and accountable along the way. His plan is to have bi-monthly meetings, held across the district, discussing work accomplished and challenges that lie ahead, keeping all in the loop and actively involved, relying upon their input and open communication.
Although new to the Legislator world, Luján is not without experience, as well as a list of mentors. One of those key ones was present at Tuesday’s Inauguration, former long-time Orange County Legislator, Chris Eachus, who spent many hours working alongside Luján.
“I know what it takes to be a great legislator, and Kevin will do a great job,” said Eachus, who spent 11 years in the field. “When you look at the crowd here, he already has done better than his predescessor; I just know he is going to do great things.”
Another one of Luján’s supporters, his mother, also spoke.
“He is very passionate and loves what he is doing; I see just how happy this whole journey has made him,” said a proud Monica Luján. “I know this is just the beginning, and he is going to accomplish so, so much.”
Luján will not be alone; he will rely upon his team of volunteers and many ardent supporters. It’s that community and teamwork approach that he is hopeful will result in real, lasting change in the City of Newburgh.
“Now, more than ever, your leadership will be called upon,” Luján addressed his audience. “We need strong progressive voices in government that will challenge the norms and remind us that the status quo is simply unacceptable; may your voices remind us we must dream bigger and fight harder each and every day.”
Inspired and filled with hope by the passionate people who surround him, Luján expressed confidence for the challenges ahead, ones he is willing to battle, so that the old Newburgh can emerge – stronger than ever and one that is the “Gateway to Orange County, not the doormat.” Looking out into the crowd as well as being grateful for the building he was standing in, Luján was further fueled and excited to get to work, lifting his City to a height he knows it belongs.
“We have some of the most beautiful sites in the Hudson Valley, a rich history and a diversity that welcomes all,” said Luján. “We are a community of leaders, innovators and trendsetters; this courthouse alone symbolizes that very stature, what we can aspire to when we work together.”