The crisis concerning the Korean Peninsula is as bad now as it ever has been. The beginnings go back to the Russo – Japanese War during the beginning of the 20th Century. Japan, in effect, won the war by gaining additional territory through significant land grabbing of islands placed between the two nations and a significant sea battle that was won by Japan. That short conflict gave Japan a thirst for imperial conquest. It would not be long before the entire world would be alert to the ever-growing Japanese Imperial Empire.
This is how Wikipedia explains it: “Korea was annexed by the Empire of Japan in 1910. In the following decades during the Japanese occupation of Korea, nationalist and radical groups emerged, mostly in exile, to struggle for independence. Divergent in their outlooks and approaches, these groups failed to unite in one national movement. Based in China, the Korean Provisional Government failed to obtain widespread recognition. The many leaders agitating for Korean independence included the conservative and U.S. educated Syngman Rhee, who lobbied the U.S. government, and the Communist Kim II-sung, who fought a guerrilla war against the Japanese from neighboring Manchuria to the north of Korea.”
“On August 9, 1945, in the closing days of World War II, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and advanced into Korea. Though the Soviet declaration of war had been agreed to at the Yalta Conference there was no agreement of Korea falling under Soviet control. The U.S government therefore requested Soviet forces halt their advance at the 38th parallel north, leaving the south of the peninsula, including the capital, Seoul, to be occupied by the US. This was incorporated into General Order No. 1 to Japanese forces after the surrender of Japan on August 15. On August 24, the Red Army entered Pyongyang and established a military government over Korea north of the parallel. American forces landed in the south on September 8 and established the United States Army Military Government in Korea.”
“North Korea invaded the South on June 25, 1950, and swiftly overran most of the country. In September 1950 United Nations force, led by the United States, intervened to defend the South, and following the Incheon Landing and breakout from the Busan Perimeter, rapidly advanced into North Korea. As they neared the border with China, Chinese forces intervened on behalf of North Korea, shifting the balance of the war again. Fighting ended on July 27, 1953, with an armistice that approximately restored the original boundaries between North and South Korea.”
“Korea was devastated. More than one million civilians and soldiers had been killed. Seoul was in ruins, having changed hands four times. Almost every substantial building in North Korea had been destroyed. As a result, North Koreans developed a deep-seated enmity towards the US.”
That is how the official war ended. South Korea relished a democratic government with a focus on capitalism and education. Syngman Rhee developed into a great leader for South Korea. His term was between 1948 -1960. He has been followed via a great democratic process. His successors have been Yun Bo-seon, Park Chung-hee, Choi Kyu-hah, Chun Doo-hwan, Roh Tae-woo, Kim Young-sam, Kim Dae-jung, Roh Moo-hyun, Lee Myung-bak, Park Geun-hye and Moon Jae-in.
This has been democracy at its best despite the governmental transition of the northern border. North Korea has been an example of nepotism and staunch old fashion communism.
It had only three leaders during the same time. Kim ll-sung reigned between the years of 1945 – 1994. Despite the economic growth of South Korea, North Korea was virtually an economic slave to their dictator. Upon his death, his son, Kim Jong-ll took over during the years of 1994 – 2011. He showed little concern about the impoverished conditions of his people. It was during this time that major starvation occurred amongst the North Korean people. He began to develop nuclear capabilities for sinister interest of his nation.
If that was not enough, this terrible dictator died and was replaced with his son, Kim Jong-un, who has become one of the worst tyrants and dictators in modern history. Like his father, he has a sick fascination with nuclear weapons. Hiring outlaw nations such as Iran and Pakistan, he has turned North Korea into one of the most dangerous nations in the world through its developments in nuclear armaments and intercontinental transference. North Korea has begun threatening the free world as this nation continues to increase its nuclear capabilities.
His threatening remarks, medieval posturing against the western world has been developing into the “journey to the apocalypse”. It appears that to make the world safe from this mad man someone will have to seize control of his nation. China and Russia who have the most, if any, influence on North Korea have been reticent and unappreciative of the apparent threat to world peace and order.
What is needed is extreme intervention accompanied by understanding by the onlooking nations of interest. Kim Jong-un, North Korea, must be taken down. The sooner the better.
His people must be liberated and, at best, rejoined with their relatives in South Korea. Chaos could possibly be prevented through the United Nations. But this entity must evolve from its impotence to make that happen. Perhaps the western nations, led by the United States will have to make a courageous move to end the above threat.
We are at very serious cross roads.
Mr. Alford is the Co-Founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce®.