Yonkers, “City on the Horizon” for Achievement

YONKERS – The Campaign for Black Male Achievement listed the City of Yonkers as a “city on the horizon” on Wednesday, for having increased investment and action to support black men and boys.

The report, Promise of Place: Building Beloved Communities for Black Men and Boys, gauges city-level commitment to black males through a Black Male Achievement City index.
Yonkers was spotlighted as a municipality beginning to scale up its investment in black men and boys.

“Yonkers efforts to increase black male achievement have been impressive in scale, depth, and coordination across all levels of city administration,” the report states, crediting Yonkers’ creation of a thriving My Brother’s Keeper movement as key driver of its efforts to improve the lives of young men of color.

“In Yonkers, we take pride in the multi-faceted approach in assisting young men of color who may be diverted from the pathways to success,” said Mayor Michael Spano. “My Brother’s Keeper and so many of our supporting programs pave the way for our children. We are honored to be recognized by the Campaign for Black Male Achievement as it verifies the hard work and commitment of our community in ensuring our young men have the foundation necessary to enact positive change in their lives and their future.”