By Jennifer L. Warren
MIDDLETOWN – She remains one of the most iconic, revolutionary and courageous women in history.
So, it is only fitting that the month of March, a time designated to pay tribute to Women’s History, is when the Sojouner Truth Awards is scheduled.
This year, the powerful and popular event, celebrating those youth who represent the qualities Ms. Truth possessed, took place last Friday evening, once again at the Physical Education Building at SUNY Orange’s Middletown Campus. Here, 532 area school-aged youth were presented medals as they were recognized at the 28th Annual Sojourner Truth Awards.
A pioneer for the rights of African-Americans, women’s and the less advantaged, Truth was a slave for the first 28 years of her life. Despite the incredible obstacles placed in her path, she developed a remarkable level of both physical and mental, as well as spiritual fortitude. Able to finally escape for the last of three times from one of her slave owners, “Truth,” whose original name was Isabella, took on the new namesake which aptly translated to her diligent attempts to “Sojourn” the land while speaking God’s “Truth.” A teacher, preacher, and speaker, who carried the “message of God,” Truth not only made an impact with her lofty height, but moreso with her powerful determination, pushing for fairness and equality.
SUNY Orange President, Dr. Kristine Young, spoke about that potent force Truth carried as well as the symbolism it possessed for the nights’ honorees.
“Grit is what you have when persevering against odds, something inside that you as successful students all show,” said Young. “You 532 students are being recognized for a woman-Sojourner Truth- who stood for all of this.” She went on to say, “The one element that joins us all together tonight is Sojourner Truth, a slave, who once freed, led protests and pushed on for women’s rights as well as for how a proper education for black children can raise them up.”
Each of the over 500 youth earned their Sojourner Truth recognition on a host of criteria, including; Athletics, Citizenship, Creative Arts, Diversity, English Language Arts, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Perseverance/Effort, Sciences and Technology. They hailed from 15 Orange County School Districts and ran the gamut of ages, from elementary to high school level. Regardless of their district, location, age, background or even challenges, each of the honorees shared a common bond: an ability to overcome, dream and succeed, all attributes of the woman bearing the name on their medals. They were special qualities that the night’s Guest Speaker, Monroe France, was able to detect immediately while watching the medal ceremony, just prior to his address. France, the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Diversity Initiative at New York University, is responsible for advancing the University-wide diversity initiatives within the Student Affairs at NYU’s NYC Campus.
“You are called upon to be your full life,” began France, who often alluded to the three powerfull “Sojouner Truths” in his life-his great grandmother, grandmother, and mother. “We live in a world where education opens doors in order to dream beyond measure.”
Looking out into the audience, containing the large number of talented youth confronting him, France gleamed with pride, continuing, “My great-grandmother taught me to show up; think about the people in your life who have taught you to show up and that you are special,” challenged France. “I applaud each one of you for showing up here tonight on a Friday night, for being brave, and for being special; don’t let anyone get in your way, live your life, and speak your truth.”
In addition to the Sojourner Truth Award medal recognitions, the evening also included and concluded with the presentation of SUNY Orange Foundation Scholarships to two area high school sophomores, enabling them free tuition to the college should they select to attend there some day. This year’s honorees were; Nallil Ramos from Valley Central High School and Melanie Demera of Minisink Valley High School.