FALLSBURG – On Thursday June 21st, Hudson Link celebrated the graduation of 17 incredible gentlemen from Sullivan Correctional Facility. Each student received not only an Associate Degree in Humanities, but also recognition for high academic honors: for yet another year, every graduating Hudson Link student made the SUNY Sullivan Dean’s List and got to wear a yellow honor cord to mark the accomplishment.
In addition to celebrating the individual achievements of these students, Hudson Link commemorated the conferring of our 600th degree in the past 20 years.
Friends and family poured into the gymnasium to celebrate alongside their graduates, as DOCCS representatives, Sullivan professors, and Hudson Link staff members shared their immense pride at the work of the men in the program. Acting Commissioner Anthony Annucci said a few supportive words to kick off the day’s festivities, and was followed by Sullivan Superintendent William Keyser and Dr. Jay Quaintance, President of SUNY Sullivan.
After moving addresses by administrators and educators, the students of Sullivan took the stage. In a never-before-seen demonstration of camaraderie and brotherhood, valedictorian Jarrin told a deeply personal anecdote about every single one of his graduating classmates. In describing their growth as a cohort, Jarrin said, “In our first semester of classes, we were all individuals who possessed an ‘every man for themselves’ type of attitude.” He concluded, “That way of thinking gradually diminished as we transitioned into a unit…. Today, we are brothers.”
After the tearful valedictorian and salutatorian speeches by students Jarrin and Dwayne, and the conferring of degrees by President Quaintance, several students and members of the Sullivan Education Team were recognized for their incredible contributions over the past year.
The award for academic achievement was presented to valedictorian Jarrin for his impeccable 4.0 GPA. Professor John Horner, a history professor who has worked with the Sullivan students for more than five years, was singled out for the Fidelity Award. A dynamic and engaging professor who has taught courses as creative as “The History of the Paranormal,”
Horner was a clear choice for the honor and the students were thrilled to surprise him with it.
This past week also saw recognition for a new kind of honor, as Sullivan resident Randy was awarded the inaugural Gutierrez Award. This honor is named after one of the graduates, who is visually impaired and has relied on Randy as a mobility aid. For his kindness and dedication, Randy was nominated to be the first ever recipient of the Gutierrez Award. Inspired by the man for whom he served as an aid, Randy has now enrolled in the Sullivan program and will begin classes next semester.
This occasion marked an incredible achievement for our students, and we are humbled to have been a part of it.