Poughkeepsie Okays Police Retention Package

POUGHKEEPSIE – The City’s Common Council, at a Special Meeting held on last Tuesday evening, has approved an officer retention package, which was negotiated with the Police Benevolent Association (PBA), the union representing the City’s police officers. The approval allows for the implementation of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City and the PBA, which raises officer’s salaries in order to keep the City competitive with its neighbors and other regional police departments. In the near term, the retention initiative could lead to as many as seven new officers joining the ranks of the city police department.

Mayor Rob Rolison said, “I appreciate the hard work that went into this process on all sides.

We view our employee unions as our partners, not our adversaries, and that collaborative approach resulted in an innovative solution that involves much more than just raising some salaries. Public safety is foremost in our minds and both my administration and our Common Council share that priority. I want to thank the Council for its recommendations for further dialogue with the PBA, and I also thank Council Finance Committee members, Natasha Cherry and Yvonne Flowers, and the other members of the Council who worked to bring this over the finish line.”

Lorraine Johnson, Council majority leader, stated “I’m so glad the Mayor and Council were able to come together on this retention package for the officers who work hard for the city and for the safety of our community. I also look forward to working with the administration and police department on efforts in the coming year to achieve greater diversity in our police department.”

Fourth Ward Councilwoman, Sarah Brannen, said, “The discussions that led to this agreement make clear the Council, the PBA, and the administration are dedicated to public safety. Along with this MOA, the Council and administration will be collaborating on creating annual reporting, ensuring there are resources next year for cameras on vehicles, and achieving more diversity in staffing. I was particularly impressed to learn about the police department’s leadership on procedural justice and investment in officer training.”

Natasha Cherry (6th Ward) said, “I am happy that members of the council were able to engage in deep dialogue with the PBA and city administration. It is apparent that we share many of the same goals in regards to public safety. We look forward to continuing our work together.”

City Administrator, Marc Nelson, said, “It was not so long ago that the City could not have even entertained these changes, so I’d just like to thank all the various Councilmembers who, over the last two years, have supported the Mayor’s proposed annual budgets. As has been said, our ability to solve our biggest challenges all rests with careful and sustainable budgeting.

The retention package will be implemented as soon as possible.