Saugerties Post Office Now Named for Hinchey

SAUGERTIES – The Saugerties Post Office is now officially known as the Maurice D. Hinchey Post Office, named for the late member of the House of Representatives who made Saugerties his home.

A formal dedication ceremony was held at the post office on Monday to honor the man who served in the State Assembly for years before moving to the US Congress.

His daughter, Michelle Hinchey, said her dad would be appreciative of the honor.

“My father cared deeply about the entire Hudson Valley, but this town had a very special place in his heart. It could be felt with every passing conversation both on the street and when he would take the long way, even if we were late, so he could see it,” Michelle said.
Hinchey died at age 79 on November 22, 2017.

The House and Senate approved the name change and the president signed the measure this summer.