Harrowing Stories of Conditions at Lake Street Complex

NEWBURGH – Conditions at a privately-owned senior citizen housing complex in Newburgh are deplorable and range from bedbug infestations to sexual assaults on residents.

A handful of elderly female residents of the Lake Street housing told the city council Tuesday night that apartments are infested with bedbugs and one senior resident, Sonya Miranda, said she fought off an attack in the elevator of the Kenny Apartments.

“I almost got raped in the elevator,” Miranda said. “Now I am afraid of the elevator. I have to have someone take me downstairs or upstairs.”

Other women talked of a sexual predator preying on the elderly in the laundry room.
The women said the project owners are not responsive to their complaints and they asked the city for its help.

Mayor Torrance Harvey said residents need to seek legal advice and there are agencies that can assist.

City attorney Michelle Kelson said the city can step up code enforcement at the housing facilities.