Open House Display Celebrates Sheriff’s Week

GOSHEN – The Orange County Sheriff’s Office celebrated Sheriff’s Week 2018 with an open house display for all to enjoy. Each September, New York’s Sheriffs participate in Sheriffs’ Week, a week-long event that celebrates the significant contributions made by the office of Sheriff–the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in the county–in county government and in the statewide criminal justice system. To mark the occasion, local celebrations by the state’s 58 Sheriffs have gone on in virtually every county across the State.

Fifty-five of New York’s fifty-eight Sheriffs are elected officials, accountable to the citizen voter every four years and responsible for the complex operations of a Sheriff’s Office, which can include criminal law enforcement, traffic patrol, emergency rescue operations, homeland security programs, SWAT operations, civil emergency response, jail operations, correctional alternative management, courtroom security and civil litigation process. The Sheriff also takes an active role in community crime prevention efforts, victims’ assistance programs, and drug awareness education in our schools.

Sheriff Carl E. DuBois has developed the Orange County Sheriff’s Office into one of the premiere, professional institutions in the State, with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement (CALEA), Accreditation Law Enforcement Accreditation from the Department of Criminal Justice Services, Corrections Accreditation from the New York State Sheriff’s Association, Corrections Accreditation from the American Corrections Association and the Medical Accreditation from the National Commission on Corrections Healthcare. Sheriff DuBois has a good working relationship with all the Police Chiefs in Orange County, all the county agencies, the County Legislators and the County Executive. Sheriff DuBois stated, “I have made good on my pledge that the Orange County Sheriff’s Office will display Leadership, with a commitment towards excellence and integrity and I intend on standing by my commitment in the future with the great men and women of my office who help me provide professional service to the people of this County.”