Newburgh Gets State Poverty Reduction Funding

NEWBURGH – Seven projects in the City of Newburgh have been granted a total of $570,000 through the Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative, one aimed at reducing poverty through community driven solutions.

The announcement, made by Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul, puts Newburgh among 16 New York cities that have acquired funds through the program.

The focus of these grants is to fund community organizations, partnering with their local governments, so they can decide as community members what the most effective ways to combat poverty are, rather than have the state government mandate a blanketed approach to the issue.

Hochul said she believes the initiative is the state’s way of acknowledging socio-economic unfairness and trying to right it.

“Poverty is something that I believe every person in the State of New York has to care about,” said Hochul. “We are all one family. This is the New York State family and when one person is suffering, one person does not have the same shot at economic opportunity as someone down the street does, or in another county, then there’s a fundamental unfairness to that.”

Executive Director of the Newburgh Boys and Girls Club Kevin White said they have worked for some time with the city, Newburgh Ministries and United Way on the programs that will be funded by this grant.

“The structure of the program and the work that everybody put into it is going to start paying off,” said White. “We’re excited for the work that’s been done and the support from the governor’s office.”

The bulk of the grant, $500,000, goes to Newburgh Ministries for their Fragile Economies Project. This project will set poverty stricken families up with mentors to help them manage their finances and suggest viable solutions to their financial needs.

The other $70,000 will be allocated as “mini grants,” $10,000 to $14,000 a piece, to the Broadway River District Neighborhood Association for cleanup and beautifying efforts, Everyday Newburgh, which will offer an eight-week course for citizen advocacy, journalism and other skills, the Hasbrouck Street Park renovation, increasing civic engagement amongst youths, the Star Project that will take donations at local eateries to be redeemed by folks who need food later on and We Are Newburgh, to increase their abilities for fundraising, school supplies giveaways and community awareness.