Rally Calling For the Impeachment of Trump

NEWBURGH – A hastily called rally calling for the impeachment of President Trump drew some 50 people from across the region to Washington’s Headquarters in Newburgh Thursday evening.

Orange County Legislator Kevindaryan Lujan organized the event saying they wanted to call attention to the mood in Washington, this week’s firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and based on the president’s “anti-democratic words and actions,” the group called for his impeachment.

Washington’s Headquarters was chosen for the rally given the pivotal decision by General George Washington while in Newburgh.

“George Washington was asked whether or not he wanted to be a king or whether he wanted to be a representative, so he chose in a very pivotal moment in our history to be a leader, not a tyrant,” Lujan said. “We chose Washington’s Headquarters because right now we have a president who is acting more like a tyrant than like a president and we wanted to make sure that history doesn’t repeat itself and that Newburgh is paying attention.”

Similar rallies were held around the country Thursday evening.