“Housing Is A Human Right!” Event to be Held

NEWBURGH – The City of Newburgh Human Rights Commission and Calvary Presbyterian Church, in collaboration with the Fair Housing Justice Center, will present Housing is a Human Right! in honor of Rev. Martin Luther King and the 50th anniversary of the passage of the federal Fair Housing Act.

Thursday, December 13th, 2018 at 6:15pm, in the Newburgh Free Library, Auditorium, 124 Grand St., the Fair Housing Justice Center will launch a new initiative called “Building the Beloved Community.” This collaborative effort between community activists, fair housing advocates, and religious leaders will move us much closer to realizing Dr. King’s vision of building the “beloved” City of Newburgh.

The event will highlight fair housing rights, discrimination, as well as tools and resources to aid in securing fair housing.

Contact: Ramona Burton, (845) 522-1680, cityofnewburghhrc@gmail.com