Girl Scout Amber Vitoulis Receives Award

PEEKSKILL – Amber Vitoulis was honored to receive the Girl Scout Silver Award for her initiative Butterfly Bags, Bringing Hope to Children in Foster Care. She was presented the award at a ceremony on November 17th at the Paramount Hudson Valley Theater in Peekskill.

Amber also received certificates for her achievement from State Senator John J. Bonacic and from the Legislature of Orange County for outstanding community service and dedicated individual effort, and she has been commended by Darcie Miller, Commissioner of the Orange County Department of Social Services.

Amber made her first delivery of Butterfly Bags to Social Services in September. To date more than thirty children have received a backpack. The bags help to provide comfort and encouragement to children who are being placed in foster care. Amber has more bags and supplies in storage, ready to go, as they are needed.

Amber is overwhelmed by the support of the community, saying “I learned from this project that when people are made aware about a situation, especially when it is to help children, they can be very generous. It showed me how good people are”.

Amber is grateful to the local community, Grace Lutheran Church, and all the individuals, families, Girl Scout troops, businesses and everyone who has contributed and supported this project.

Although Amber has received her Silver Award, the work continues and collecting donations will be an ongoing endeavor. Donations of new backpacks, small throw blankets, baby blankets, stuffed animals, clothing, hairbrushes, toothbrushes, books, coloring books, crayons and journals may be made for boys and girls ages newborn through teens. Collection sites are Grace Lutheran Church in Greenwood Lake, Sew-cology in Warwick, and soon at River & Mountain Midwives in Newburgh.

To donate or for more information about the Butterfly Bags initiative please find them on the web at or email