Poughkeepsie Adopts Rolison’s 2019 Budget

POUGHKEEPSIE – The City of Poughkeepsie Common Council, at its meeting of December 3rd, has unanimously adopted Mayor Rolison’s proposed 2019 budget. This marks the second consecutive year the City has stayed under the New York State tax cap, and continues the recent trend of adopting fiscally responsible and achievable budgets which support the City’s deficit reduction plan.

Mayor Rolison said: “I want to thank the Common Council for their action and support of the budget. We are at our best when we come together around our common goals of good governance, improving our financial condition, and being more responsive to the needs of our community.”

Finance Committee Chair Natasha Cherry (D-6th Ward) said: “The city is gradually rebuilding capacity and resources needed to address issues that have been sitting out there for more than a decade. Earlier this year we adopted an innovative police retention program designed to slow outward migration of officers to richer communities to our south, added significant equipment to our Fire Department’s resources including a new ladder truck and a new pumper truck, increased spending on youth programs, and filled vital positions in our Building Department and at Public Works. This budget continues and builds upon that progress.”

Council Chair Ann Finney (D-at large) said: “The Council did their due diligence, and we recognize a strong fiscal management plan when we see one. I want to thank my colleagues on the Council for their hard work and collaborative approach to the budget process; it is one of the most important things the Council deliberates on throughout the year, and a 9-0 budget vote says a lot about our shared commitment to the goals and objectives for the coming year.”