Maloney Sworn In to Fourth Term in Congress

WASHINGTON, DC – Representative Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) was officially sworn into office as a member of the 116th Congress. The day marks the beginning of Rep. Maloney’s fourth term serving as the representative for New York’s 18th Congressional District in the Hudson Valley, and his first term serving as a member of the majority party. Over the next term in Congress, Rep. Maloney will continue his fight to protect health care access while reducing cost, combat the heroin and opioid epidemic, support our veterans, and invest in our infrastructure – especially our access to clean water.

“It’s an honor to have my contract renewed again to serve the people of the Hudson Valley. As we look forward to the next term, I plan to build on my record of getting things done for folks at home by working across the aisle. First order of business down here is getting the lights back on,” said Maloney. “It’s time to move on from this wall fight and get something serious done on border security and immigration. The Trump Tantrum needs to end so we can work out real solutions on issues like health care, infrastructure, and the heroin and opioid crisis.”

Rep. Maloney was joined for the swearing in ceremony by his husband, Randy Florke their three children, and their son’s girlfriend.