Skoufis’ Final Senate Committee Assignment

Senator James Skoufis (D-39) announced his final committee appointment in the state Senate, Internet and Technology, rounds out a list of assignments that also includes Agriculture; Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions; Finance; Local Government; and Transportation. Skoufis also serves as Chairman of the Investigations and Government Operations Committee which has already opened a number of active investigations.

“These six committees are crucial to the well-being of our Senate district,” said Skoufis. “Whether it’s bringing back our fair share of infrastructure aid through the Transportation Committee or holding the MTA accountable as a member of the Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions Committee, I look forward to an active legislative session that delivers for the people I am fortunate to represent.”

Skoufis went on to note that the Investigations and Government Operations Committee that he leads has been transformed into a true investigative unit for the first time in recent history. Previously dormant, Skoufis has hired full-time investigators and already has multiple cases open, including an examination into big drug company middle-men that significantly drive up prescription costs. Skoufis also shared that an announcement will be forthcoming next week on another investigation of importance to people in Orange and Rockland counties.