BOCES Students Present TED-style Talks on Water

NEW PALTZ – Recently, Ulster BOCES Hudson Valley Pathway Academy students worked on a Global Competency project that focused on water. They had to research the subject and then write about a water-related topic they felt passionately about. The object was to present their final project in a TED-style Talk on January 11. TED Talks are usually very personal presentations that tell a story that make audience members think about a topic in a different way. They are not, as some people think, spontaneous. They are carefully scripted and rehearsed and use visuals like slides, videos, or animations. Student topics included desalination, conservation, the business of bottled water, and child abuse through forced-water intoxication.

The mission of HVPA is to develop and support pathways to higher education that lead to careers in science, technology, engineering, and math through rigorous academic programing and work-based learning through industry partners. This program lets students earn an associate’s degree while preparing them to transition into career fields within the region. The program also matches students with mentors from industry partners.

To find out more about the Hudson Valley Pathways Academy program, visit www.ulster