Bringing Farming and Agriculture into Schools

Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County, in conjunction with New York Agriculture in the Classroom, is pleased to announce the 15th New York Ag Literacy Week in support of its mission of fostering awareness, understanding and appreciation of agriculture.

During the week of March 18-22, 2019, volunteers throughout the state will go into classrooms to read the book On the Farm, At the Market by G. Brian Karas. There is no cost for the program and the book will be donated to the school library following the program.

“Ag Literacy Week offers an opportunity for the younger generation to understand the value and importance of agriculture not only here in Orange County, but across the country.

Volunteer-readers look forward to taking students on a field trip in the classroom through reading, and hope it sparks their interest outside of the classroom to learn more about agriculture,” shared Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County’s Communications Manager Kerry Dowling.

In 2018, volunteers went into 205 classrooms and read to over 4,100 students. This year over 120 classes have already scheduled readers. To make arrangements for a volunteer to come to your school, contact Susan Ndiaye at Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County at 344-1234 or