Jacobson Continues to Fight for Clean Water

ALBANY – Assemblymember Jonathan Jacobson (D-104) recently cosponsored a measure (A.5779) that strengthens the statuary standard for elevated blood lead levels to reflect the most recent guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This bill passed earlier this month in the Assembly and is awaiting action in the Senate.

Jacobson’s support will help to protect Newburgh and communities across New York State. The City of Newburgh is currently working to address water service lines made of lead. Last year, the City of Newburgh’s drinking water failed its annual round of lead monitoring.

This bill also requires that any future changes to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ recommendations receive immediate state consideration. Lead exposure can lead to severe health complications, affecting growth, behavior and development.

“Lead is an invisible danger,” Assemblymember Jacobson said. “Parents should not have to worry that lead exposure will impede their children’s physical and intellectual development. No one’s health should be at risk simply because they live in the wrong ZIP code.”

In his efforts for access to clean drinking water, Jacobson recently wrote a letter to Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, urging him to act on the stricter water standards recommended last year by New York State Drinking Water Quality State Drinking Water Quality Council with respect to maximum contaminant level for PFOA, PFOS as well as for 1,4 dioxane.